Complete coverage of 11+ NVR syllabus. Special Focus will be on Embedded Figure, Mirror Image & Water Image, Series, Coding-Decoding, Paper Cutting & Paper Folding, Dice Rolling, Nets and cubes. We will also take some difficult NVR problems in between.
NVR-1: Section-1-Part-1
NVR-1: Section-1-Part-2
NVR-1: Section-1-Part-3
NVR-1: Section-1-Part-4
NVR-1: Section-1-Part-5
NVR-1: Section-1-Part-6
NVR-1: Section-1-Part-7
NVR-1: Section-1-Part-8
NVR-1: Section-2-Part-1
NVR-1: Section-2-Part-2
NVR-1: Section-2-Part-3
NVR-1: Section-2-Part-4
NVR-1: Section-3-Part-1
NVR-1: Section-3-Part-2
NVR-1: Section-3-Part-3
NVR-1: Section-4-Part-1
NVR-1: Section-4-Part-2
NVR-1: Section-4-Part-3
NVR-2: Section-1-Part-1
NVR-2: Section-1-Part-2
NVR-2: Section-2-Part-1
NVR-2: Section-2-Part-2
NVR-2: Section-2-Part-3
NVR-2: Section-2-Part-4
NVR for 11+: Video Lectures [35+ Video Lessons]
VR for 11+: Video Lectures [Video Lessons]