The MQ Test

MQ or Mind Quotient is a standard developed by Magical Methods.  It’s a numeric value for amalgamation of success skills possessed by your child.

Do you want to know the GAP between Your child and Success?
Do you want to know the chances of success of your child at 11+?
Do you want to know why the score of your child is not improving?

Then, take an MQ Test to find out. It requires 30 minutes only.
Regular MQ Test Fee: £10
MQ Test with Feedback via zoom Fee: £20

According to our research children become successful at 11+ when their MQ* score is above 0.81

What is the MQ of your child?

We find several queries from parents in the Math Development Group asking about the solution to the low performance of the kids, mostly in Math, NVR & VR. A few of them have written about exam pressure & nervousness.
But it may not be the case. The fault line might be somewhere else. As a parent, if you are trying to help your child perform better without knowing the fault line, then you are shooting in the DARK. The MQ Test has been developed to guide you through this.

MQ Test
What is a MQ Test?
What is a MQ Test?

Exactly what is an MQ Test?

Mind Quotient is a standard developed by Magical Methods.  It’s a numeric value for amalgamation of success skills possessed by your child.  Some of the essential success skills that children should possess include good concentration, mental calculation, times table, critical thinking, problem-solving, reflex, hand-eye coordination, time management and self-discipline. Knowledge of the course material is essential but not sufficient to guarantee success on the exam. Your child becomes successful due to success skills. The MQ score informs you where your child stands on the skill barometer at the given point of time.

How it is conducted?

It requires about 30 minutes of One to One online live interaction with the Magical Methods Teacher. The teacher takes a simple test using games which does not require any preparation. You get the Report in 24 hrs.

How it helps?

MQ test helps you find out the exact skill where development is most required. You can use the MQ score to measure the skill improvement of your child through a tutor. Get the MQ score of your child at the beginning and end of a tutor engagement. An improvement of 0.1 on the MQ scale = 300% 

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