Make Your Child Ready for 11+
Speed Test
Does your child have the speed required for 11+? Find Out
Speed & Accuracy Development

The 11+ is the entrance exam procedure for getting your bright little one into a fee-paying school or a non fee paying state grammar school. The name derives from the age group for secondary entry: 11–12 years.

The structure of the eleven-plus varied over time, and among the different counties which used it. Usually, it consists of Math, NVR, VR & English.

Eleven-plus tests take place in September of children’s final primary school year [Year-6] with results provided to parents in October to allow application for secondary schools.

Get your FREE copy of Road-map for Success at 11+, about 100 pages of detailed guidelines written by Mr. Pradeep Kumar [teaching students for over 3 decades].

Knowledge of the course material is essential but not sufficient to guarantee success on the exam. Your child becomes successful due to success skills. Does your child possess the required success skills to be successful at 11+ or are there some GAPs? The MQ Test will reveal it. Learn More

What is the MQ of your child?

Regular Program for Students


If you teach your child yourself then Silver Membership is for you.
Develop Your Little Ones [5-8 yrs.] for 100% Success at 11+. Visit the above page to start your FREE trial now.



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